Life changes can sometimes create a daunting task of choosing what to keep from a lifetime of possessions. For many it can feel overwhelming. Some alternate ways of thinking can help, so you can pare down to eliminate some clutter, start living a simpler life, or begin the steps needed to sell your home. Michelle Kavanaugh, owner of Organize Senior Moves and senior moves management specialist explains “By approaching the concept of downsizing as a series of small steps and singular decisions, you can “right size” your life and really live it!”
Whether you know you’ll be moving in a few months, or further into the future, Michelle’s ideas can give you a great place to start. Watch Michelle’s video presentation, hosted by Kingsway Community’s Sharon Sleicher, for her detailed step by step guidance.
Michelle’s Top Tips:
- Start now. We all know that someday we will move from a larger home to a smaller one, whether or not we’ve set a date to find that new “right size” home. By setting today as the day to begin, you’ll have plenty of time to separate this process into a series of smaller, simpler steps and projects.
- Start with one thing, such as a drawer, cabinet or closet. Avoid tackling the whole house all at once. Starting with a focus on a relatively small area, such as a drawer, gives you fewer things to consider and once you’re through it you’ll have a sense of accomplishment that provides motivation for the next drawer, cabinet or closet.
- Begin in a room or a space with the least amount of sentimental items to consider, such as a linen closet, laundry room, or extra bedroom which might contain things that get little to no use and may have less emotional value.
- When considering each item, keep your decisions to three general groups: keep, give or toss.
- Don’t be afraid to get help. It’s important to keep safe, and not over-do. Many items, such as books, records and small appliances can be heavier than you think, especially when there are many of them. A service like Organize Senior Moves can not only help you “rightsize” with a simple series of organized steps, they can ensure that you aren’t putting your own well-being at risk as they do all the sorting, lifting, packing and more.
Ready to learn more about living a new life? Downsizing in retirement can mean facing a lot of changes, but it’s also an opportunity for a whole new lifestyle, new décor and new adventures. Our Kingsway Senior Living Specialists are here to show you how you can make the most of a new life in a new home, connect with us today.