Scrapbooking is a hobby with a long history, and for good reason! It creates a central book (or set of books) for reliving and preserving memories. For many, it’s also a great heirloom for passing down family history.
Anyone can scrapbook, and today there are more ways than ever to make one!
How to Start Scrapbooking
Step 1: Pick a theme.
Every scrapbook is unique. Picking a theme can determine what goes into yours. You can make a scrapbook of your favorite memories, or one of your family tree. Your scrapbook theme doesn’t have to be memories, either; you can make scrapbooks about your hobbies or a collection of reviews you made. You can even make a themeless one, where every page of your scrapbook is whatever you want!
Step 2: Pick a format.
Today, people can make physical or digital scrapbooks. Some people even make hybrid scrapbooks, with physical books that list websites or QR codes. There are advantages to each format.
A digital scrapbook doesn’t need many physical items to be creative. All you would need is a computer or tablet, and software to make scrapbook pages with. (A scanner is optional, but can be useful if you have a lot of physical photos and mementos you want to add.) Anything that you put on a digital scrapbook page can be added, moved, or removed as many times as you want. This puts less pressure on you to make pages “perfect.” And digital scrapbooks are easier to share with others, with either a digital file or link.
There are still many people who prefer a physical scrapbook over a digital one. A physical scrapbook doesn’t require computer knowledge to get started. Physical photos and memorabilia does not need to be individually scanned in, either. Working on a physical scrapbook keeps the hands engaged, which can improve hand-eye coordination. And you may just like a physical scrapbook more than a digital one.
There is no right or wrong answer, so pick the format you like best!
Step 3: Plan your layouts, and gather supplies.
Planning how your scrapbook pages will look isn’t necessary, but for many it’s half the fun. You don’t have to plan too far ahead, either. Think about what you want to include in your pages.
A starting list can include:
Memorabilia, like ticket stubs, parts of brochures, or postcards
Written descriptions or captions
What colors and shapes you want to add to the page
Afterwards, collect what you need!
Step 4: Start scrapbooking!
Now you get to assemble your scrapbook pages.
Make sure you have plenty of space when you scrapbook, especially if you’re making a physical one. It’s easier when you can spread your materials around and see what you have. If you’re making a digital one, make sure that your devices are either charged up or that an outlet is nearby. Having music playing in the background is a great way to set the mood.
Scrapbooking can be done alone or with a group of people. And if you’re not sure what to do, there are local groups and online resources that can help.
And don’t forget to have fun!
The Benefits of Scrapbooking
No matter your theme, or whether you’ve made a physical or digital scrapbook, there are some great benefits from scrapbooking.
To start, sharing your scrapbook and the memories it holds allows you to connect with loved ones. Maybe there is some family history that your children or grandchildren don’t know about. Or maybe there is a shared experience that you all enjoyed. Whatever the reason, sharing your scrapbook can build even stronger relationships.
Preserving and recounting good memories have their own health benefits. Happiness and nostalgia can help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn impacts physical health. Engaging in activities, from recounting memories to creatively arranging your scrapbook, improves the neural networks in your brain. And many studies show that keeping our brains active can slow down the effects of dementia and Parkinson’s.
Finally, scrapbooking can be utilized as a decluttering tool. There are some things that we keep for sentimental reasons. Scrapbooking allows us to preserve the memory these items represent without needing the physical object. For some people, that’s all that’s needed to let go of those items.
Hobbies at Kingsway
Starting a new hobby by yourself can be daunting, scrapbooking included. But at Kingsway, you’re never alone. With compassionate staff and residents, you can find new friends to help you along the way.